Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Bible based, Christ centered recovery ministry. This is not therapy or professional treatment. It is a group of peers, men and women, sharing with each other and supporting each other on the road to recovery from hurts, habits and hangups. For example relationship addiction, food and body issues, freedom from anger, sexual integrity, drug addiction, alcohol abuse (only about a third of people in CR deal with drug and/or alcohol problems), co-dependency (letting others control how you feel and seeking to control others), pornography addiction, recovery from the trauma of physical/emotional/sexual abuse, and other issues.
5:30pm Light supper together--$2 (free for first time attenders)
6:30pm Large group—worship, lesson, testimonies
7:30pm Small group sharing (men’s and women’s separate groups—more groups to be added as needed)
8:30pm Sold Rock Café—snacks/dessert, chance for one on one conversation
6:00pm Step-Study